
IDEXX Swine Influenza Virus Ab Test

Swine Influenza Virus (SIV)

The IDEXX Swine Influenza Virus Ab Test is an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) designed to be performed in a diagnostic laboratory or equivalent. The Swine Influenza Virus Ab Test detects antibodies to nucleoprotein (NP) of swine influenza virus in swine serum.

As a blocking ELISA, when antibodies are present in the sample the anti-NP conjugate is blocked from binding to the NP antigen on the plate. Color development is inversely proportional to the number of swine influenza antibodies in the test sample (calculated as a sample-to-negative or S/N value). Antibodies can be detected within 7–14 days of initial infection.

* Availability / Distribution: North America


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Test details


  • Blocking format
  • Results in less than 2 hours

Part numbers and sizes

99-0000900 (5/plates/strips)

Swine Influenza Virus (SIV)

Swine influenza is an acute infectious respiratory disease of swine caused by type A influenza viruses. The disease is characterized by a sudden onset, coughing, dyspnea, fever and prostration, followed by rapid recovery.

* Not all products are available and/or registered in every country.