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Troubleshooting SNAP Test Results

IDEXX SNAP tests are very reliable. However, if you have problems with a SNAP test, read the information below for help, and then rerun the test.

No Color or Poor Color Development
  • Test may not have been prespotted.
  • Pellet in tube may have been stuck at the top and discarded inadvertently.
  • Heater may not have been at the correct temperature, 45°C ±5°C. (Does not apply to ST products.)
  • Sample may not have been incubated for the full incubation time. (Does not apply to ST products.)
  • SNAP device may not have remained on the heater for the full color development time. (Does not apply to ST products.)
  • SNAP device may have been presnapped or not completely snapped.

Rerun the test.

High Background Color
  • Heater temperature may have been above 50°C. (Does not apply to ST products.)

  • Sample may have been spilled onto the results window when it was poured into the sample well.

  • SNAP device may have been activated (snapped) late.

  • SNAP device may not have been fully activated (fully snapped).

Rerun the test.

Poor Spot Quality or Streaking
  • Abnormal-looking milk may have been used, or the sample may have been too thick to flow.

  • SNAP device may have been activated too early or too late.

  • Air temperature may have been too hot or too cold; please refer to product insert for specific requirements.

  • Heater may not have been at the correct temperature, 45°C ±5°C. (Does not apply to ST products.)

  • Pellet in sample tube may have been hydrated; this is often caused by removing the tube from the foil pack too soon. Do not remove test materials from the foil pack until you are ready to run test.

  • SNAP device may not have been fully activated (snapped).

  • SNAP device may not have remained on the heater for the full color-development time. for appropriate color development time. (Does not apply to ST products.)  

Rerun the test.

Discrepant Results—Visual vs. SNAPshot® DSR Reader
  • The test may not have been prespotted, or there may have been other quality problems with the SNAP test spots.

  • The background color may not have been clear. This is known as "high background" or "high blue" (see “High Background Color” section, above).

  • SNAP device may not have remained on the heater for the full color development time. for appropriate color development time. (Does not apply to ST products.)

Rerun the test.

False-Positive Results
  • Heater temperature may have been above 50°C. (Does not apply to ST products.)

  • Sample may have been overincubated. Refer to package insert for correct incubation time. (Does not apply to ST products.)

  • SNAP device may have been activated (snapped) too late.

  • SNAP device may have been read before the full color development time.

  • Sample may have been poor; sample must be well-agitated.

Rerun the test.


False-Negative Results
  • Heater temperature may have been below 40°C. (Does not apply to ST products.)

  • Sample may have been underincubated, or the incubation step may have been skipped completely. (Does not apply to ST products.)

  • Sample may have been poor; sample must be well-agitated.

Rerun the test.