IDEXX VetLab UA Analyser
The accuracy, efficiency, and insight you need for urinalysis
- Save time and eliminate errors with one-button operation and results in just over a minute.
- Automatically capture IDEXX UA Strip results and integrate with the patients’ medical records and invoices.
- Improve results with consistent interpretation and colour compensation for darkly coloured samples.
- Automate your work flow with the IDEXX VetLab Station .
Test menu

LEU (leukocytes)
PRO (protein)
GLU (glucose)
KET (ketones)
UBG (urobilinogen)
BIL (bilirubin)
BLD/HGB (blood/haemoglobin)
Note: The IDEXX VetLab UA Analyser does not read or print NIT (nitrate) and SG (specific gravity) results. Experts agree, specific gravity should be measured with a refractometer.
Dimensions & weight
Width: approximately 4 in (10.7cm)
Depth: approximately 10.6 in (27.0cm)
Height: approximately 2.3 in (6.0cm)
Weight: approximately 1.4 lb (0.6kg)
IDEXX VetLab UA Analyser Operator’s Guide (PDF)

Related products
Get the most out of your IDEXX VetLab UA Analyser
View and trend all your results
Get a more complete picture of your patient’s health with IDEXX VetConnect PLUS .
Simplify your work flow
All your in-house diagnostic results in one convenient place.
Follow up for more
Follow up initial testing with urine culture and sensitivity, urine protein: creatinine ratio (UPC) or RealPCR testing at IDEXX Reference Laboratories .
We’re here to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Customer Service: 0800 838 522
Manuals & resources
Access IDEXX VetLab UA Analyser manuals, quick reference guides, sample preparation posters and more.
Keeping your practice up-to-date and running smoothly is the iCARE promise. We’re at your service 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you deliver the best veterinary care and customer experiences possible.